What Refrigerant is Used in Home Air Conditioners

A refrigerant is perhaps the primary component of an air conditioner. Without the refrigerant, your air conditioner wouldn’t produce cool air. Since manufacturing the first air conditioner, experts have noted the impact of refrigerants on the environment. Refrigerant manufacturers have continued to change the composition of refrigerants to make them more eco-friendly. These changes have led to different types of refrigerants for home air conditioners. Read on to learn more about what refrigerant is used in home AC.

Common Types of Refrigerants Used in Home Air Conditioners

You must use the right one for your AC among the different types of refrigerants. Otherwise, the wrong refrigerant variety will damage your air conditioner. Part of figuring out which refrigerant to use is learning various properties about the multiple types. You can’t use refrigerants interchangeably, but you may recycle some. This article looks closely at what refrigerant is used in home air conditioners. Hopefully, you will have understood how to tell which refrigerant to use and the benefits each variety offers. The first up is Freon.

Freon (R22)

If you have an older edition of an air conditioner, it likely uses R22. Soon this variety of refrigerant will be out of stock since the Environmental Protection Agency banned its production and use in 2020. The ban came after discovering its harmful properties to the ozone layer.  Its emissions collected and tore a hole in the Ozone layer over the South Pole. The move is to slow down climate change and preserve the Ozone layer. It is best to brace yourself and transition to a newer version of an air conditioner.  The projection is that supply will eventually run out since it’s no longer in production. However, don’t worry if your older unit breaks down and requires a freon refill. Your technician may use recycled R22, which would still work. However, it’s unlikely to buy a new unit that runs on R22.

Puron (R410A)

Puron is a refrigerant version designed to replace Freon. Refrigeration experts consider R410A less harmful than R22. The reason is that it is chlorine-free, ensuring minimal damage to the Ozone layer. Not only is Puron more eco-friendly than Freon, but it is also more cost-efficient. For instance, it’s energy-efficient which guarantees lower energy costs. Another cost-effective benefit if R410A is at the point of production. Consider replacing your older AC unit with the latest models to get these results.

How To Tell What Refrigerant Is Used In Home Conditioner

One way to ensure your air conditioning unit lasts a long time is by using the proper refrigerant. You need not go through much trouble figuring out what refrigerant to use. The age of your unit determines the type of refrigerant you use. Older models use Freon (R22), which will soon be unavailable. Modern AC units have Puron. Usually, the manufacturer provides instructions about which refrigerator to use for your unit. The instructions are generally on a sticker or plate on the compressor.  Operating a refrigerant requires caution, which you can achieve by allowing a technician to refill the unit on your behalf. It also makes getting the refrigerant easier since experts know how and where to get one.

How A Refrigerant Works In An Air Conditioning Unit 

An air conditioning unit would not work without a refrigerant. So, it’s essential to know how a refrigerant works to understand how this restriction works. The first thing is knowing how an air conditioning unit contains a refrigerant and how that refrigerant flows through an air conditioner. Refrigerant travels through the air conditioning unit and transitions from a low-pressure gas to a high-pressure liquid. It absorbs heat and releases it through the changes. The result is that you have excellent, conditioned air in your space. The refrigerant releases heat through condensation if you have a central air conditioning unit with an outdoor section. It also cools off at that point. Next, evaporation happens once the refrigerant makes it into the indoor part of your AC unit since it comes into contact with warm air. The cooling process is a repetitive cycle that should flow as long as your air conditioner works as required. Also, in an ideal situation, the refrigerant should remain level throughout its lifetime unless a leak occurs—only a technician should attend to your unit when a leak happens.

How To Know When Your Air Conditioner Has A Refrigerant Leak 

Frequent maintenance is essential to ensure your air conditioning works as required. However, it would help if you did not wait for maintenance to spot a leak. It’s possible to spot a Freon leak, especially when you know what to look for to identify it when it happens.  Although all refrigerants have some level of harm to the environment, Freon is particularly abrasive. Therefore, always check on the following signs that you have a refrigerant leak. Unusual noise from your AC unit – Air conditioning units produce a soft humming sound. A gurgling noise can alert you to expect a refrigerant leak.Large utility bills – If there is a leak, your unit works harder to cool your space and consumes more energy than expected. Bodily changes – Pay attention to changes in your health. For example, you might have a refrigerant leak in your hands if you start experiencing dizziness and nausea.Warm air blowing from the unit – Warm air blows from the vents when there is a refrigerant leak. Also, there is low airflow.

Final Words

Consider air conditioning units’ environmental impact before buying an AC unit. Note that all types of refrigerants have some adverse effects on the environment. The good thing is that some are less abrasive than others. Suppose you have an old AC model; it’s time to start planning a replacement to upgrade to a unit that uses R410A.  Take time to learn about the function and working of a refrigerant in an AC to grasp its importance. Now that you know what refrigerant is used in home AC, you can make arrangements to upgrade or organize for repairs through Direct Air.

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