South Florida summers can feel unbearable, with average temperatures hovering around 89°F. This may not sound bad until you factor in the humidity index. Mornings have average humidity levels of 90, dropping to 55 in the afternoon due to frequent showers. In fact, South Florida receives 45 inches of rain each year with as much as seven inches in the month of July alone. All of these factors mean that it is crucial to have an efficient cooling plan in place in order to stay comfortable during the summer months.
The Hottest Month in Florida
Although temperatures in South Florida are pretty consistent, August is the hottest. Highs reach an average of 90°F. This intense heat is due to South Florida’s location. It is closer to the equator than any other contiguous U.S. state, except for Texas, which beats Florida by 2 miles, and its latitude positions it close to the sun, even when the Earth is tilted on its axis. This means that South Florida gets direct rays from the sun all year long.
The Highest Humidity Months in Florida
From June through September one can expect high humidity that adds to the hot and sticky feeling in this region. Because Florida is a peninsula, it is surrounded by water on three sides. The seawater is an important source of moisture for the atmosphere. The warm waters around South Florida have a higher evaporation rate, and the warm air retains more moisture than in colder climates. Breezes off the water carry this moisture over land.
The Rainiest Months in Florida
June through September is also South Florida’s rainy season. That moisture brought over the land with the sea breeze rises and forms clouds. These clouds provide rain. The frequent afternoon showers and thunderstorms are simply distilled ocean water. They do provide residents of South Florida with a bit of comfort, but the results are short lived. By morning the humidity index will climb again.
This combination of heat, humidity, and moisture creates conditions that are ideal for natural disasters such as hurricanes and tropical cyclones. These storms tend to increase during the rainy season each summer. Having an efficient home cooling system will make these conditions more bearable to residents of South Florida.